4-H tour 3-14-09 Homeschool tour 3-17-09
Good Morning: I got up at 5am this morning and started working on my cheese class prep. We were in the Chronical on Wed. and my phone and emails haven't stopped yet. I have the biggest class I'v ever taught happening tomorrow. There are 43 people signed up to take the class. Usually my classes are 25 + maybe a few more. This one is crazy. I hope I make enough soup for lunch and have enough samples for everyone to try the different cheeses. Righ
t now I am making more copies of my booklet I hand out. Its crazy I tell you. I feel like the fishermen Jesus told to let out thier nets again. When they had been fishing there already all night. When they let the nets down they almost sank thier boats. Well my daughters say my boat has sunk. But I think its just very full. I actually am turning people away with the promise of another cheese class the end of July or first of Aug. And then another the end of Oct. or the first of November. I'll let everyone know the dates later. Havent iorned out the details yet. I want to Thank Everyone who wants to come to my class - its been a wonderful response. I started my yogurt for the class this morning and will finish it this evening and package it for the class. David bought me some good french bread for my soup I am making and also some cow and sheep cheese at Beechers in Seattle.
We have people coming today to pick four baby buck kids this morning. This evening another gentelman is picking up two more buck kids. Sat one of the ladies that is coming to my cheese class will be picking up 5 or 6 doe kids. They are flying out of here. We have about 15 on the ground again -- but not for long. I still have about 20 does to kid.
The picture of the dead coyotee is a fresh kill by Bernie. This is his first kill. It was right behind the barn in our pasture. I took Bernie to the vets yesterday because he was limping. He got a puncture hole in his shoulder. The vet gave him some antibiotics and pain shot.
We had a tour on the 14th and the 17th. One was a 4-H club and one was a homeschool group. I put pictures of both groups.
I delivered cheese to a catering place today in Chehalis N.W. Food Works. Our cheese will be feeding a wedding party on Sat. Very nice chef there. Hopefully we will be doing more business with them in the future.
David bought me 40lbs of Fireweed Honey for my yogurt this year, in Seattle.
Well I better go and finish all my prep work for my class which is now 45 people.
Will talk at you all later. Have a great day and take a nap for me today.
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