Here I am again. I am amazed I woke up this morning... thought the world would of ended by now. I am kidding! It will be a wonderful day to be alive and an American. I may not agree with the politics of our country but I bet there is no place else as good as the Old USA.
The dairy still goes on... we will still milk twice a day and grain and water all the goats. I still have to feed and manage my home and even be a wife to my husband. Amen for routines.
I mixed up some more garlic and dill chevre and plain chevre for David last night, to take to Pike this morning. Had to label some more pepper and grande rosa too. I went and got our new labels and what a convince they are - and they don't melt in water. Our milking went good except one glitch - the drain to the milk parlor was plugged and I had to unplug it. When my younger daughter milks and cleans things up ..... everything goes down the drain. I think the hay plugged it - but as children are "they didn't do it". Anyway it put a little glitch in the routine. We were in the truck on our way to church by 6:45. We got home at 8:40. I did my cheese stuff and then I laid on the couch and fell asleep. David loaded his car for market again. He is holding up pretty good, doing all the driving and standing.
The girls had computer class yesterday, so we went an hung out at the grange for 70 min. Then we ran Danyel to Biology class and Ali and I went and picked up the labels, got some laundry soap and picked up dog food - got done and picked up Danyel at school. The girls hit the cookbooks and got back onto doing their home ec. class. I kept the laundry going in the washing machine all day.... I hate folding!
I am going to make yogurt today - since I didn't get out there yesterday. I am going to clean the processing plant and make some cheese today. David moved all my cheese to our own cheese cave. Its holding the temp and the humidity too. Ya! It will work for us all winter, by the time warmer weather is here we should be able to get the compressor on and running, so through the summer it will be good too. My schedule is full for today.
This photo is Bernie our Anatolian Shepard - He is 5 years old.
Hope you all have a great day and get all that you have on your list done.
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