Good Morning to All. It isn't raining and its pretty warm out too. Not what the weather man had predicted for today.
Well I made cheese yesterday. Everything was going fine until after the pasteurization process I was filling a gallon jar full of milk to put into the refrigerator for making buttermilk or yogurt. After it was full I was carrying to the table and the bottom of the jar fell off..... milk everywhere. What a mess. So before I could continue with the cheese I had to clean the floor up in the processing plant. That made things a little bit unsettled. Anyway the milked cooled to much while I was cleaning so I had to reheat the milk to temp. again. When reached it I put in the rennet and then turned off the paddles and took out the paddles and the thermometers. And waited an hour. But when I came back the temp had not been turned off so I had cooked curds. There is a rule about making cheese never throw it out, it could be something great. So I just finished the recipe as normal. We will see if this cheese turns out or not.
Today Ali leaves for two days - Civil Air Patrol weekend. So that means Danyel and I will have extra chores through the weekend. Ali will do her chores before we leave to take her to the camp around 4:30 tonight.
We will be doing our home school this morning. I will go make my yogurt with the fresh strawberries David got me at his market yesterday after school. And turn my fresh pressed goat cheese's.
I will have to mix up more garlic and dill chevre and plain chevre for the market tomorrow. This will be my last market at Des Moinse, because next week is my cheese class. I started printing out my booklets for the class. I looked for the covers yesterday and couldn't find them - so I will have to look at Staples for the covers -so I could put them together. I have 22 people signed up too.
Well I will let you go. Have a Great Day.
This picture is one of Ali's frog pictures. "Just think, only a little further"
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