It is cold out this morning about 33 degrees. Not quite freezing but almost. Well, lets see what went on yesterday. Oh yes, I took my chevre down and put it in the refrigerator, I got 100lbs of chevre out of 50 gallons or 430 pounds of milk. That is really good. Our weights go up during the time the goats slow down their production. But of all the chevre this last month of making it, has to be the premium product. I will package all but about 30 pounds and put it in the freezer for next month or so. The Tue. market went pretty good, anyway David sold more product than the rest of the whole 6 vendors. So he'll keep going to that market till the end of the month. He is also looking to go up to Pikes Place during the week, his last Thur market is the 16th - so maybe he'll run up there for Thur. He has a book show coming next week he has been invited to and they are serving our cheese as the snack and then people can buy some if they want at the end of the book review and signing.
I am working on my Cheese Class coming next weekend. Have to go shopping for food and contact the other two dairies that I like to get some cheese from for sampling.
Last night David and I went to an energy saving class. It was pretty interesting, but as usual it was also a sales pitch. It was a good product though. We will think about it. But we got a good dinner and met some neighbors of ours in the area. The girls finished chores and watched a movie and ate dinner while we were gone. I am so glad they are responsible teenagers.
I bought some caulking to plug some holes or I should say cracks in the milk parlor - I can't wait for the last painting to go on.... but this has to be done first. Its suppose to be a nice day today and so I look forward to doing some caulking.
Update on Neighbor and pond: Talked to the planning committee and they are going to come look and see if there is any concerns with erosion or danger to my goats having stagnant water going through my field. And all the water he put in has seeped out, anyway the water line is no longer visible.
This morning we have computer lab at the grange for an hour then will run Danyel to biology class and come home and have Ali work on her Physical science. Then we will go pick up Danyel and go to the health department and get them two more vaccine shots and then they should be all caught up for the public schools. Neither of them are very excited about all this shot stuff. Then we'll come home and work on school until about 2pm today. After that I will go clean the creamery and get things set up to make cheese tomorrow. I also have to package some chevre for David's market tomorrow. Then we'll do chores at 4pm today and eat dinner at 6pm and then we'll head for church at 7pm.
It doesn't seem to busy today.
This picture is one of our goat herd - we were cleaning the whole barn and kicked them all outside, and of course they don't want to go into the field in case we open the door and let them in so they all hang close to the barn door.
Stay warm and think of Hot Coco!
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