We are up at 6am to start chores. Its cool outside. The does that are with the bucks are crying, wanting out. The bucks stink and the smell travels well this morning. As I am in here writing on the blog I can hear the coffee pot perking, the motor for the milking parlor humming and still a goat crying. These are all good comforting sounds to a farmer. My two papillions are still sleeping in on my warm bed with my husband. I am heading out to take my chevre down, mix up my yogurt and package, and start another batch of chevre before the guy comes to pick up my left over milk this morning. Oh yes I have to clean the pasteurizer and sanitize it too.
Yesterday Danyel and I picked apples from our little grove of trees. She climbed the tree's and handed down the apples. They are such nice apples, I wish I had the time and energy to make apple sauce or to make juice from them. I have just been putting them in a room out in the barn where its cool and safe from critters. I am hoping they last into the winter. I also got a sack full of plums the last on the tree's. This is such a nice farm, I just wish I had more time to do the things I use to do before we became dairy people. I think if my husband was the main dairy person I'd have more time to do those things. But as I am the main person for all of the operations it leaves me with little time to do the things that I enjoyed in my previous life (mom, housewife).
David is going to run to Longview today to the accountants and pick up my computer stick, so I can download last years taxes so that David can drop them off at the accountants on Sat. so we can get that refund thing. Another this I dont like doing is bookwork and that too falls on my shoulders.
We are homeschooling today even though public school is out. Maybe we'll run to the library while David is in Longview.
This picture is of my two reg. papillions enjoying some sunshine a couple of weeks ago. Dutches is the darker one and Reese is the other one. Dutches is the one who helps herd the goats.... and she is good. She looks like a Boarder Collie working sheep.
Enjoy the quiet time in your day.... it refreshes and builds strong minds.
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