We got up am milked 7 goats got about 1 gallon -which is good cause it means they are going to be dry for about 1 month when everyone starts kidding.
I made yogurt this morning. For an order and the rest will go in the freezer for popcycles. The girls love them.
We went to an Indian Language class today. We are learning the Chinook Jargen > its alot of languages mixed together.
We had fun this morning sitting with the Indians of our area and learned thier language that they used to communicate with other tribes.
These are some of last years babies 2008
We are going to band some goat horns today. But the rest of the day will be kind of layed back.
David is in Seattle selling cheese.
We are taking our meat goats to the butcher today - I think I have 7. That will keep us until next winter. I have to go get about 12 or 15 bags of grain today too.
The girls had thier freinds spend the night so we had extra help on the farm yesterday and this morning.
Cheese Class March 21, 2009 - $35 - 4 hour class- Email me if your interested.
Hope Everyone has a great weekend.
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