Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A week of Dairy life

Hello to all:

Sorry I havent' wrote in a week. But our computer has been acting up.... I personally think its the internet server making my life rough so I'll pay the extra bucks for that quick internet service. But, anyway thats whats been up. So let me recap this last week for you

Thur. I went over and vaccum packaged feta and chevre. We got a new store buying our cheese, IGA in Winlock. And our fresh feta was ready to be packaged. David went to market and did alright.
A photo Danyel took of Mt. St. Helens from our field.

Fri. The girls and I did all kinds of running around. Picked up thier blues uniform for the banquet on Sat. I picked up our new business cards and lables. We went to the library and delivered cheese to IGA, ran by the tractor and farm store and got dog food. David got home and hadn't sold very much cheese. He had a headache. He unloaded his stuff and restocked and loaded stuff for market on Sat.

Sat. I got up at 4:30 to package cheese up for David to go to market. I got everything ready and he wasn't up yet so I told him I'd go. He said alright. I have to brag but I sold really good.... almost ran out of some of my cheese. David had to do the domestic chores... like get the girls ready for the banquet and take the dessert the girls made and some cheese and crackers. I would meet them after market. David also had to make sure all chores were done before they had to leave for the banquet at 6pm. I made it to the banquet but to late for dinner (I grabbed a hamburger on my drive home). They presented a bunch of awards and had a speaker talk about staying motivated and obtaining your goals. I got home unloaded and counted my cash box. They got home about 1/2 later than I did ( girls had to visit).

Sunday David left for market at 6am.. there was snow again on the ground and ice under that. David said he slipped around a bit. The girls and I stayed home from church. Our hill is so steep and I have a two wheel drive truck.... not a good combo for ice and snow. We did our chores and put the puzzel together and just hung out. I did go in the afternoon to get grain. David got home and had sold less than $100 of cheese ----NOT GOOD. He unloaded and repacked and stocked his supplies.

Mon. David left for market at 5am. I have been getting up with him and when he leaves I spend an hour reading my Bible study book and the Bible. Got the girls up at 7am to do chores. We have cut down to 3 goats milking in the morning every third day. I am really hoping by the end of the week we will be totally done with milking. The girls are milking by hand rather than dirty the whole system. I ran and got two rounds of hay at Grace Farms. A friend brought out her boar cross doe and two kids for me to do something with thier horns. We banded the mom's horns and we burned the doe kids horns , but the buck kids horns were to big to burn off and to small to band so we'll do them in a month or so. She left the goats until Wed. as she had to get home. David got home from market at 6:30 instead of 7:30. He sold all day ==== one container of plain chevre==== $6.25. OUCH!!!! We watched a movie with the girls and relaxed.

Tue. David was off and so he helped clean the last two baby stalls up by the hay. We had a 4-H meeting today. There was snow on the ground....ICK! David had a DR. appt. so he left at 9am for Longview. I decided not to try and take Danyel to Biology class due to our hill again. But when David got home he ran her to school at about 12:00 to drop off her make up work and to take a test. They were home before the 4-H meeting started. We got our homeschool work done for the day.

Wed. David was home today too. We got the goats fed and watered this morning, then came in and did homeschool until 2pm. At about 3pm we had a family come out and tour the farm. While they were here my friend came to get her doe and kids. David had taken the girls to a CAP event at 3:30 in Centraila at the Rifle Club - to meet the Army Marksman that won the gold medal at the Olympics. The girls said it was alright but they didn't fire any guns, but they did sign a photo. They got home about 5:35pm and we had to eat dinner and then head for church at 7pm. Got home at 8:40pm and David and the girls went out and fed and watered the goats. And now as I sit here writing they are all watching Phantom of the Opera. David will load up his stuff and be ready for market tomorrow.

Well that was our week at the dairy. We are expecting two does to kid on Sat. this week. I am sure the stories will be good when the kidding starts.

You all have a Great Evening and May God Bless You.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Sonshine Is Wonderful

Hello to the New Person

Good - by to the old person

Good Morning:

Yesterday David got another order from a store for our cheese - IGA Cedar Village in Winlock, WA - ordered garlic and dill chevre and plain chevre to put on their shelves.

I froze the milk we got yesterday - 1 gallon and 1/2. We will milk on Friday to try and pull more does off. I hate to just stop them from milking due to mastitis and I know from being a breast feeding mom how I felt - so I have sympathy for my does.

David worked on fencing yesterday. He made the fence more sturdy coming up the driveway. It looks really good.

We also had a hose break on Tue evening on the commercial hot water heater - it steamed up the bulk tank room and was squirting hot water everywhere. David turned off the water so we didn't have to clean the parlor that night - but Wed. morning he was at Home Depot getting the part. By the end of milking it was fixed and we were back to cleaning things up. I thought the part would cost about $100 since it had to do with my commercial hot water heater, but God is watching over us - it was only $14 for the part. Amen!!

David also took his car in to get it fixed and they couldn't find anything wrong. So he cleaned the terminals on the batteries and its been fine. God is Good !

We went to the thrift store and found Ali a dress to wear to the Civil Air Patrol Dance at their conference coming up. Its really pretty, black and pink - the color she loves the most, PINK.

David and I got the fresh feta vacuum packed yesterday over at Black Sheep Creamery. Now we are set until we start milking near the end of Feb. . Today I'll go vacuum pack the marinated feta and some chevre.

Danyel got baptized with about 19 other youth kids. We are so proud of her choice. Also two of our first foster daughters also got baptized. Ya! This is how you know something went right with your training of your children.

Today I will deliver some cheese to the Post Office, a mail carrier loves out cheese and I told her I'd be in town today and would bring her some.

The sunshine sure give me a better outlook on life. It lifts my spirits. I have W.O.W. tonight - women's bible study.

I need to make a double batch of rolls for the Banquet on Sat. Evening for Civil Air Patrol. And the girls are going to make a dessert too.
Have a Great Day and enjoy the SON!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Horn Banding Day!

Good Afternoon:

Well, we banded horns this afternoon right after history class. So as I pomised here are our pictures. The first picture is of the horns on the goat. Second picture of me filing a notch as close to the skull as I can. It doesn't have to be big, but big enough to hold two bands in it. I notch out one on the front of the horn and one on the back. The third picture is of the bands on the horns - I use two. This ensures if they rub thier horns they may break one band but the second is usually still on. If you do this right... the goat should be throwing his head and rubbing his horns. It doesn't hurt them - there is just pressure on the horn and its uncomfortable. It takes about 2-3 weeks before they drop off. They stop being crazy by the next day. Its sort of like banding a buck and the laying down and getting up and crying is the same thing.

David left for market this morning and ended up calling me and said the car died. And so he got it jumped and came home. He say's he'll take the truck from now on. He did pretty good yesterday at market.... not good enough for me to have to package more cheese though. thats how we know its a really good market day.... is if I have to work making up more cheese for the next day at market. Anyway he is home today. I have him doing little fix-it up jobs around the dairy.

We are going to milk every other day in hopes of drying these last 7 girls up by this weekend. I am down to a little over a gallon a milking.

All the does are looking pretty big, from being pregnant. It looks like a good crop of does this year and that means a good crop of kids.

For P.E. today we worked for one hour cleaning one of the kid pens. This pen is alot harder than the other one we did. So it will take us a few days on this pen.

Well hope the banding horns helped you be able to do it yourself.

Have a great day. Remember you are what you eat! So eat healthy and stay active. (If you need something to do come work with us on the dairy for a day or two)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Its a Sunny Day!

Its a Great Morning:

Klahowya (Kl a how ya) Cowlitz Indian Jargon - Means: Hello or Good-by

I got up at 5am to make up some packages of garlic and dill chevre and to package some marinated feta for David. I also packaged up some plain yogurt and some fruit yogurt for David to take to market tomorrow. I still need to lable and make an invoice for the yogurt.
This is Elfy our Lamancha doe

Ali went to market with David today. Danyel and I have to go to Sunday school this morning so Danyel can take her class on baptism. She is getting baptized on Wed. evening. We are very excited.

The Indian Language class was great. We learned alot and I am looking forward to being able to talk to others with this old but new language. Grandfather Roy is an awsome teacher and he is a great guy too. We met alot of nice people. One lady who comes from Rainier Oregon was there, she also comes to our farm and buys whole rounds of our cheeses. So she caught me at the end of the lesson and ordered a round out of our first milkings in Feb. Ya!

Danyel and I have about 4 goats to band horn on today. So that will be our afternoon after church. I'll post the pictures tomorrow and directions on how we do it.

We only got a gallon of milk out of the 6 goats this morning and I think I'll have Ali only milk three tomorrow and then a different three the next day and so before the end of the week all milking will be done. I'll have about 7 gallons froze for yogurt. My fresh feta will be ready to package on Wed. of this week. David can't hardly wait - thats one of our popular cheeses at the market.

Well have a Great Day.

There is no more important spiritual and practical lesson we can teachour children than the principle of sowing and reaping. Choices always have consequences.

Do not be deiceved, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sowes, that he will also reap. (Galations 6:7)

And what better way to teach this than owning a farm, working a garden, raising an animal for slaughter, or for showing.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Spring isn't far away

Good Afternoon:
We got up am milked 7 goats got about 1 gallon -which is good cause it means they are going to be dry for about 1 month when everyone starts kidding.
I made yogurt this morning. For an order and the rest will go in the freezer for popcycles. The girls love them.
We went to an Indian Language class today. We are learning the Chinook Jargen > its alot of languages mixed together.
We had fun this morning sitting with the Indians of our area and learned thier language that they used to communicate with other tribes.
These are some of last years babies 2008
We are going to band some goat horns today. But the rest of the day will be kind of layed back.
David is in Seattle selling cheese.
We are taking our meat goats to the butcher today - I think I have 7. That will keep us until next winter. I have to go get about 12 or 15 bags of grain today too.
The girls had thier freinds spend the night so we had extra help on the farm yesterday and this morning.

Cheese Class March 21, 2009 - $35 - 4 hour class- Email me if your interested.

Hope Everyone has a great weekend.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Good-Bye to an Old Friend

This is Kusco in training, carrying one of our boar babies in his pack that Danyel bought him for Civil Air Patrol - search and rescue missions. He hadn't got to go on a mission yet.

Good Morning:

The weather forecast is suppose to be sunny.... I am going to proclaim it in faith the Son will shine!

Well we lost our friend Kusco yesterday. He is Danyel's pack goat - he was 5 years old and he fell last month and put his hip out of socket. We had been trying different things on him to try and help him. The vet had said there is nothing under surgery to fix the hip and then it will most likely pop out again. Besides the cost. I hated to see him go but I am glad cause I know he has been hurting. Danyel is sad to also see her faithful friend leave her.

But that is farm life and we seem to get alot of disappointments and death is one of those things you get use to in a sense on a farm.

So here is my obituary to Kusco:

He was a true trooper. He would follow Danyel where ever she went without a leash on him. He was a big boy - he would carry lunches for her in his pack, dogs,baby goats and hiking gear. He has walked miles and miles for Danyel. His latest training was getting him ready to go on search and rescue missions with the Civil Air Patrol. He never got to go on a mission - but his heart was in it. He will be missed.

Danyel will pick another goat baby this year to start over again.

Yesterday we, Daneyl & Ali and I, spoke at the Winlock Lions meeting. We shared about out farm and making cheese. We passed out samples of Grande' Rosa, Marinated Feta and Garlic and Dill Chevre. The girls and I enjoyed lunch on the Lions. It was a good community service for the girls. And good public relations for the dairy. Thanks Lions for what your organization does for our community.

I had womens bible study last night too. I made chicken and dumplings for dinner. David was at market and did alright for a Thur.

This morning I am up at 4:30am packaging cheese for market. I have more energy in the morning than at night. So I enjoy getting up early - but going to bed early is a must.

David is on the road already 5:30am.

Today the girls and I will work on homeschool. We are starting our drawing class- which will go on for about 10 weeks. And the rest of the day is open for a few extra chores on the dairy. Like trimming some hooves - Danyel has been doing this when she had been graining. But this evening I'll join her and we can get a bunch done. This afternoon we are going to band some does horns. This we do by taking a file and making an indent in thier horn as close to the skull as possible. Then putting two bands (the things we put on male goats to make them it's) on the horn. In about 3 weeks the horn falls off. We cant have any of our milking does with horns - one its dangerous and two thier heads won't fit in the stantion. We are going to move the babies almost yearlings into another pasture so we can work on one pen at a time until we get them all done before our babies start arriving in 4 weeks. This is not a fun job and it takes teamwork. So the girls and I will drop one class each day in order to clean a pen. I bet the girls won't mind.

Well have a great day and notice who is tending the flock - the Good Shepard.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a peaceful day at the dairy

These are some mailboxes on Twin Oaks road. The during and after shot. Jan. 8 & 9.

Good Morning.

Its another day on the dairy. We had a tour yesterday. We ran to Olypmia to drop off some cheese at Dockside Bistro. David didn't go to market. We got our homeschool done. And I made a Chicken Broccoli Braid for dinner..... All is good at the Rider House.

This morning David went and got hay. To get Danyel to school we have to drive about 7 miles out of our way due to road consturction in Napavine. After I picked her up we ran to Winlock to checkout a movie that we wanted to watch and to pick up a book Danyel had ordered. Home for lunch and back to school. We will be done about 3pm with school. Then feed the goats, make dinner and then off to church. Then when we get home from church we'll all sit and watch Ann Franks Diary. Then pack David's car so he is ready for market. Oh yes, market he made $60 on Monday. What a waste and he took Ali with him - so it cost him double on food. No more Monday's.

Well this is a short and sweet blog today. But its going to be sunny the rest of this week, almost up to 60 degrees.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Another Day at the Dairy

These are picture when the water was receding and when the water was raging. This is a barn on Twin Oaks Road, heading out tword Adna, WA.

Good Morning. David and Ali went to market today. Danyel and I did the chores and then did some Algerbra. I took Danyel to Biology and after that we are heading to Olympia to drop off some chevre at the Dockside Bistro. David also took some more chevre to Michou. The market yesterday was slow, meaning not alot of sales. Yesterday, I ran and got some grain and the girls unloaded it. We went to church in the morning. The girls had two neighbor girls spend the night, which means I don't see my girls because they are all down stairs playing board games or watching movies or playing on the computer.

Danyel took another goat off line today. Now we have 7 milking and that will be slowing going away, as she takes them off one by one this week. I have milk saved in the freezer for making yogurt. My last batch of feta is in the pastuizer today - I skipped out yesterday on the task. But in the end its alright because I ended up with 17 gallons. Won't make alot of cheese but will help with the fresh feta.

The goats went out this morning and are enjoying the grass. Its overcast but not raining or snowing. Its great. Tomorrow I'll have David go get some hay.

Danyel and I ran around and did a bunch of erronds today so didn't get home till 4pm. But we got done.

Have a great day remember Jesus is the Reason....... even for FARMING.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Good Morning:
Well we were there - when they opened I-5 to the truckers. We stood on the over pass and waved as they went past. What a site. And I know they were very glad.

It was alot of fun to watch the trucks go by.

This is the bridge the morning 1/9/09 Water going down.

I went to market with David on Sat. We did pretty good for this year, but we are about 1/2 of what we did last year. Now the gas prices are going up and that means feed will go up and so will other commodities. David had a guy yesterday say to him we should just have a straight gas price of $3.00 a gallon. David said sure that would be great..... we could all stay home, have no fresh produce (that you could afford), and the small farmers go out of business because grain is to high for us to affordably feed our stock. And for the diary person - we have stainless steel equipment and filters and rubber stops and chemicals to clean with. And then the cheese side its the containers, bags, processing equipment. All these things drive the cost of our cheese up and then no one can afford it. Thus the big guy wins again..... and the little guy gets lost in the dollars. Who can we trust to take care of us if we can't take care of ourselves? God! I can for sure say it doesn't matter if we are farming or not - that MY God will take care of us no matter what the economy is doing. AMEN!

Alright off my soap box. Just one more word..... shop the farmers markets this summer ..... WE NEED YOU! And while your at the market why not thank the farmer for his hard work to bring you good quality food.

David got to come home on Friday. He was sure glad. Thats why I know the truckers were glad to get on the road. He sold in three days $25 dollars of cheese - though it paid for two nights in a motel and ate six meals too and bought toilet things. Crazy. Oh well- God is Good.

Have a Great Day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Flooding!

This is Ali and her glowing hair. A covered Bridge at 3:30 today
Heading twords Adna, Wa.
The water is covering fields.

Good Evening to you all. To let you all know we are high and dry this flood around. We got up this morning to rain and the knowlage that the rivers were going to flood. So we decided to take a drive after chores this morning. We couldn't get very far from home. We tried going across I-5 at exit 68 and there was a road block. Then we went to Winlock and tword Toledo and viewed the Cowlitz River - it was pretty high. Then we went on Jackson Hwy and had to drive through three water over the road area's. (we could see the yellow line and we went slow). Then we headed out tword Adna and viewed the corn fields flooded and the ducks and geese and swans swimming on them like no big deal. We went on to a road called Twin Oaks and came to the road block. At this point there was alot of water rushing over the road. A house was surrounded by water and the barn doors were open with water rushing through the barn. Then we turned around and went through Napavine on hwy 603 to look out over the ridge. It looked like last year. It was pretty bad. I know Black Sheep Creamery got their flock out and to high ground and they got everything in thier house moved upstairs and I am sure they got evacuated out. When we came home it was raining again. We watched movies and played games on the computer and worked on our puzzel today. David on the other hand is still stuck up in Seattle. He stayed in a motel last night and went back to the market this morning to sell cheese. He said he wasn't sure if he was going to stay another night in a motel or try and get through. He said he needed to go get a shaver and shaving lotion and a tee shirt to wear tomorrow if he stayed.
So the girls and I did all the chores today. I have to say I am glad its David that is stuck - cause I wouldn't do very good in this situation - by myself.
I turned my cheese today, and froze milk from this morning. Tomorrow will be the same as today.... Hopefully David will be able to get home.
Have a Great evening.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rain - Can we get a break - weather wize!!

The Before Picture of Danyel's hair and the after picture of Danyel's hair. She is giving about 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love.
Hello again. Well everyone's eyes are on the rivers around here. The rain total is getting higher and higher. We sit on a hill why would we be worried about rain totals? Well the water runs off the last year tree harvest area above us. We are keeping an eye on our back property for that river trickle that turned into a major water way flooding our basement.
As of 1o:30 the radio said we have had 1.75 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. We took Danyel to Napavine school for her class. Her school is one of the few schools that haven't sent children home yet. We are going to go drive around and take some pictures when we pick Danyel up from her class. We have loaded the girls 24 hour Civil Air Patrol packs and our boots and rain coats in case we see a need we can help.
Our goats are dry and the chores are all done. David went to Seattle to Market today and his report from there is that the wind is blowing really hard. Its not raining so much but very windy. We will keep him posted on the water issue so he can get home tonight.
Our big thing yesterday was getting Danyel's hair cut. She hasn't had it cut since she was very small, around 3. She loves her hair cut too. Ali had to have something so she bought hair color and dyed her hair very gold blonde. She looks fine - but I think she is glowing.
As for David and I we think we look fine and decided to let the girls have thier fun.
I'll give you another up date on the flooding tomorrow.
Have a great day and stay dry.... take an umbrella out with you today I think it might rain.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here comes the Snow again.

This is a picture one of the girls took of ice and snow melting off the roof of the milk parlor.
Good Evening. Wouldn't you know it.... the snow returned. But he brought his friend the wind with him. Together they could cause everyone to worry. And we did. Cloe, our female anatolian shepard was back out in her dog house. The snow started coming and coming and coming - soon all the green that we saw the day before was gone and the driveway was white and untouched again. But it was the wind that caught us watching the trees and roofs for damage. Then I remembered Cloe in the pasture with her dog house.... and sure enough that wind had blown it over and Cloe sat in the snow waiting. The girls put her in the barn. Where she dried off and was more protected

David went around and fixed fences today. Man the snow really messed up our fences, with limbs and packed snow pushing it down. The goats knew yesterday the fences were down. As they were out of the pasture yesterday and today. Its crazy that they can hear that hum on the wire.

I turned the cheese over again in the processing plant. I am getting about two gallons a day of milk that I am freezing so that maybe I can make another batch of feta. We only have two pieces of our fresh left. Anyway we'll see.

David took Monday and Tue off and is going to try Wed. at Pikes Place Market. He'll work
through Sunday.
Market has been going pretty good. We are selling alot of our Grande'Rosa and Pepper Rosa. We are cutting the rounds at the market. It seems we are selling more of the cheese doing it this way.
I am back to homeschooling the girls after our Christmas Break. Its hard to get back into the routine. We got a lot of school done today. Danyel had Biology today too. David ran around town paying bills and picking up a few things we needed.

Tomorrow David will go get some grain and set us up for this week. We have a big day tomorrow. Danyel is getting about 14 inches of her hair cut off. Her hair has never been cut before. But she wants to donate her hair to Locks of Love. Her hair will be a little longer than her shoulders. She is really exicited. Getting ready for Civil Air Patrol will be alot easier putting the bun in. I'll show pictures tomorrow the before and after.
We will have Grange tomorrow evening too. So I have to make a potluck dish to take.
Sunday we finally got to go to church. It seems like months since we were there. The music was great and the message was good too. After church we had company, Lacee and her husband Ben. They ate chili with us. We visited for a long time. It was really good.

We started our next puzzel,1000. Our last one was 550, so we figured we were ready for more of a challenge. Everyone works on it.

If you can find good in everything you will not be burdened with the heavyness of worry.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

More Snow and Ice

Good Morning:

These are our goats on a snowy day! Warm and Dry. Bernie (Anatolian Shepard lives with the goats and Dutches (Pappillion) herds our goats.

I was up at 5am to make garlic and dill chevre for David to take to market. I also had to package and label some more marinated feta. David sold alot of cheese yesterday. Its a blessing cause our house payment is due in 15 days and we needed the sales. Ya!

I turned my cheese yesterday and this evening they are coming out of the molds and will be salted.

Danyel and I got the house cleaned and all the Christmas stuff up in the attic. Its refreshing to start with an orderly house for the new year. Now I just have to get my desk cleaned and all the data entered. Our tax guy likes the taxes early like January so I need to finish that too.

Today I need to get to town to get dog food. Its pretty icy this morning - hope it warms up cause I couldn't go yesterday because I was waiting for my son to come - and I didn't want to miss him. But around 2pm I called him and said don't come - the snow started coming down pretty heavy and was sticking again.

Danyel and I did chores at 4:30 and when I was done haying, watering and cleaning the parlor I came in and made stew for dinner. Then we worked on the puzzle and watched Pirates of the Caribbean, until David got home from market.

Today its Ali and I all day. We have no big plans.

Have a Great Day and take a deep breath outside and smell the crisp air.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Looking Ahead to the New Year

Good Morning,

This is a picture of "Kusco" this summer looking through the milking parlor window to get a grain treat from Danyel.

Well, we all celebrated the New Year. But..... I was thinking Jan. 1 isn't a farmers New Year. Our New Year starts somewhere in the middle of Feb. when our does start having babies. Anyway I hope everyone has a Great Year! I can't believe we have two inches of new snow this morning. The forcast says warming but possible more snow. I hear the water dripping outside and its 36 degrees - YA!

I cleaned the bulk tank for the last time this season. We are milking only 8 goats and they are slowly giving way to thier bodies message of stop producing. I would love to make one more batch of fresh feta to get us through till Feb. I made a 22 gallon batch of Grande Rosa and Pepper Rosa on 1/1/09. That gave me about 6 rounds of cheese. We are down to two gallons a day - so maybe in a week I'll have enough milk to make a batch of cheese. I have to also make yogurt for the Pikes Place Creamery each week too.

Yesterday we went and got some hay. The van is fixed - David stayed home on the 29th of December and took the van to get the estimate. OUCH! but now we can haul hay again. I took it in on Tue and it took about 1 hour to attach the new hitch. Danyel and I sat in the lobby and read our books and glanced at the TV (a real treat for us). We went to the library in Winlock after the van was fixed. Then we went to the Thrift store in Winlock - looking for a new coat for Danyel. We found - a swade black coat, a formal blue velvet dress trimmed with black around the neck line, black satin shoes, and a black small purse - I got a new jumper and dress. The cost was $18. WOW! I was so excited. Danyel loves her new stuff too. I am so thankful my daughters don't have to have designer stuff - and that second hand is as exciting as brand new. Thanks Lord for such awsome daughters - in fact all my children are like that. I think its because I don't do it. Its the same with make-up. The girls do it for dress up and play rather than to hook a guy or to make themselves look HOT!

Well I am going to call the vet today about Kusco.... I haven't shared this with everyone because its hard to tell about such serious sickness. But Kusco disloacated his hip bone. We have waited to call the vet. because we thought with tender loving care it would relocate. It hasn't and then our next thought was to put him out of his missery - which I can see in his eyes each day when we feed, water and re-adjust his position. But David told me yesterday to call the vet and see if there is anything we can do for him. Kusco is Danyel's pack goat. She has been training him for three years and he is an awsome goat. The call to the vet, didn't do any good - he's out until the 5th. So I'll call then. I'll keep you posted.

I'v finished the book Animal, Veg., Mircle and I got so inspired. I have to say the last chapter talking about evolution turned me off. But I can glean alot of information from this book. It was a fun book to read.

We went to Market on Wed. and did pretty good on sales. Then we came home and unloaded the car and packed the girls sleeping bags and such so they could spend the night at the church with the youth group. They of course didn't sleep - but they got to ring in the new year with friends. David and I spent about an hour at the church playing scrabble and cribbage. Then we came home counted cheese and then went to bed. Before the new year!

New Years Day was mostly just relaxing and catching up on like fixing the fence after the snow - making cheese and working on our puzzle. The girls slept most of the day, and were in bed by 9pm that night.

Today Danyel and I are taking down all the Christmas stuff and putting my house back in order. And clearing some of the other stuff on the china hutch away and simplifying my house again. This time of year is when our house slows down for a few weeks and there is so much I need to get done before kidding season and the really serious cheese making takes place. I'll be back to three times a week making cheese and two times a week going to markets. We are planning on doing at least 10 different markets this year. On top of milking about 80-100 does. This will be a very busy year.

Hope everyone is taking a look at thier plans for next year and keeping our sites on the future and realistic goals. Have a Great Day.